How far along?
17 weeks today!
How big is the
The size of a Pomegranate! 13 cm long, and 167 grams.
Total weight gain/loss?
After the 5 lbs I lost in the
first trimester from "morning" (more like all day) sickness, I
have now gained those 5 lbs back plus 3 more lbs, making me 131 lbs now.
Maternity clothes?
Most of my jeans stopped being
comfortable in January, thanks to the high waisted denim trend. I resorted to leggings and loose boyfriend jeans until
I purchased some Maternity jeans and leggings at the end of February, which is
all I wear now! I am still wearing my regular tops and dresses though.
Aside from having to get up at least
once in the night to pee, I am sleeping pretty well. I am no where near as
tired as I was in the first trimester, but I still find myself crawling
into bed at 9pm.
Best moment this week?
Hearing little babe's heartbeat! 154
We also met my OB doctor who I will
see for all my prenatal check up's going forward. He is great, and his nurse is the sweetest! I will seriously look forward to my appointments, just to see her!
I still get mild nausea only when
I don't eat regularly, so I make sure I keep snacks in my purse at all
times! My boobs are still sore, and some how still growing! Hello F cup?
Food cravings?
I am craving more sweet things this
week! I caved and bought some Cadbury mini eggs- so good! I am also really
enjoying strawberries, and oranges!
Food aversions?
Don't know yet. I have my
anatomy/gender ultrasound in 2 weeks! Hopefully baby cooperates so we can find out with our
family and friends at our gender reveal party on April 9th!
Labor signs?
Belly button in or out?
What I miss?
Sleeping on my stomach. I haven't
been able to sleep on my stomach for a few weeks now, and I am starting to miss
What I'm looking forward to?
Baby movement! I can't wait to feel the baby kick! My placenta is posterior, so I should hopefully start to feel some
flutters soon!
Making it to 17 weeks! I can't
believe we are almost half way through this pregnancy!
Yup! The bump doubles in size through out the
day making me look 6 months pregnant at night! I love it though!
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