Monday, September 3, 2018

I can't believe this day has already come. If only I could go back in time and savour one more newborn snuggle but instead I am running after a busy (almost) one year old, who is keeping me on my feet, and having me smiling more than ever before! I am absolutely LOVING this stage. His personality is shining through, and you can see that he is his own little person! He has attitude, preferences, and quirks. His laugh is contagious, and his voice is heart melting. I can't get enough of this sweet boy, and each new stage has me looking forward to the next. My hands are definitely full with this little one, but my heart is even fuller! 

One week shy of his actual birthday, our family, and friends gathered to celebrate Adam James. This day was a true testament to how many people love and adore him. We can't thank everyone enough for joining us, and loving on our little boy. 


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