20 weeks pregnant with Baby #2!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How far along?
5 months!

Total weight gain/loss?
15 pounds so far this pregnancy. I am definitely gaining weight faster this time, and I feel it more in my butt and thighs.

Maternity clothes?
Maternity pants are a must and have been since about 12 weeks! Dresses are the most comfortable thing to wear right now.

Pretty good. I seem to favour sleeping on my right side this whole pregnancy. 

Best moment this week?
-Seeing our sweet baby move around in my belly during my anatomy scan. Baby is looking healthy and growing on track. My husband has a congenital heart defect, so I am going for a fetal echocardiogram in a few weeks to get a closer look at baby's heart to make sure everything is good! 
-Feeling and seeing baby kick! My husband was able to feel kicks from 18.5 weeks, and I started feeling flutters during week 16. I have an anterior placenta this time, which can delay the feeling of movement, so I was surprised to feel the baby so soon!

-Back pain! My sciatic pain has been awful! 
-Lots of round ligament pain, more than with my first pregnancy, and more cramps too! Overall, my body has felt like it's in the third trimester since the beginning. 
-I am no longer dealing with nausea-woohoo!! I had nausea and vomiting from 5.5 weeks to 17 weeks. It did start to settle significantly around 15 weeks, but didn't fully go away until recently. 
-I have more energy, which is a nice change from the zombie state I was in for my whole first trimester.
-Heartburn. This was actually one of my symptoms before I found out I was pregnant.
-Headaches! I was getting awful headaches (to the point of throwing up from the pain at times) almost everyday until about 16 weeks. They have reduced significantly. I will get a few here and there.
-Breakouts. Not fun to deal with!
-I am also super burpy. I NEVER burp, and this was another symptom I had before finding out I was pregnant. I just thought it was my diet changes at the time, but nope, it's this baby causing me to be gassy!

Food cravings?
Lots of fruit! Mostly peaches right now. 

Food aversions?
Lentils! I can't even look at them without feeling nauseated!

Don't know! We have decided to wait until birth to find out!

Labour signs?

Belly button in or out?
Half popped out. It started to pop early this time!

What I miss?
Finding an outfit so effortlessly. Most days, I don't even want to put on clothes.

What I am looking forward to?
Seeing my sweet baby again in a few weeks, and feeling movement more consistently.

We are half way through this pregnancy! I still can't believe it. Putting most of my energy towards my toddler during the day, doesn't leave me much time to soak in that I am actually pregnant, and will be meeting this little person in 4ish months. This baby only has a few things of it's own, thanks to my parents who brought back some gifts from their trip to Europe. I haven't bought anything for this baby, and probably won't until i'm in my third trimester. We will be moving end of summer/early fall, so there really isn't any need for me to purchase stuff before the move. 

I love the bump during this stage of pregnancy. It's cute, and noticeable. I can still move around easily, and it doesn't get in the way just yet. My bump grew very quickly this time! It was almost immediately after I got a positive pregnancy test!

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