21 weeks

Monday, April 24, 2017

How far along?
21 weeks!

How big is the peanut? 
The size of an Endive. 26.7 cm and 360 grams.

Total weight gain/loss?
I weigh 137.6 lbs so I gained 3.5 lbs over the last two weeks.

Maternity clothes?
Still maternity leggings/jeans.

I have been starting to get tired through out the day again, so by the time I go to bed, I am exhausted! I think this has helped me sleep through the night lately. 

Best moment this week?
I had another OB appointment, so of course, hearing his heart beat on the doppler is my favourite! 160 strong beats per minute! He was super active that morning, because as soon as the doppler went on my belly, he kicked so hard, it almost bumped the doppler out of my doctor's hand! We all laughed! We could hear him doing flips in there! He is going to be one active baby!

Nothing much. My back is much better!

Food cravings?
Still Ice cream, but peanut butter is my go to flavour right now :)

Food aversions?
Still chicken.


Labour signs?

Belly button in or out?

What I miss?
Not much. 

What I am looking forward to?
Buying things for him!

Making it to 21 weeks! 

Yup, and I am loving it! :)

Gender Reveal Party: It's a BOY!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Since I found out I was pregnant with this little one, I knew I wanted to find out the gender! We thought it would be fun to find out with our family and friends, and I am so happy we decided to do this! Sharing our joy for this baby, and seeing the love and support we have from everyone, is so heart warming. We feel so grateful!

A few days before our party, we had our Anatomy ultrasound. I love seeing how much our little one has grown, and  the flicker of the heartbeat on the screen makes my heart melt every time! Luckily, the baby was in a good position for the ultrasound tech to get the gender (we looked away, of course), and then she wrote it down in an envelope for us. It was hard not to peek, but knowing we were going to find out in a few days with everyone, was enough willpower to stay away.

The morning of the party, we dropped the envelope off at Anders Dad's along with the balloon, where he and his girlfriend filled it with either pink or blue confetti. They couldn't make it to our party, so this was our way to include them in this very special day. 

Anders and I both thought this baby was a boy, and we had been calling the baby a "he" and a "him" here and there. I would catch myself, and think, this baby could be a girl! We would have been happy with either gender, and I know people say "all I want is a healthy baby", but this rings so true for us! After the trials we went through to get here, that is all we want! I have been so emotional since finding out this baby is a boy. Thinking about him, and the love I have for him already, brings me to tears. I am so thankful he is ours, and that God has blessed us with this sweet miracle. 

The results are in!
That cute little profile!
Once all of our guests arrived and put their votes in, the tally was pretty much even. The final count was: 19-Boy, 18-Girl
The dessert table
I filled the cake with layers of blue and pink icing! :)

Gender Reveal Video!

My dad wanted to say something before we popped the balloon! He really blessed us with his words, and I love the scripture he chose to read! 

"Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, who walks in HIs ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord." 
Psalm 128:1-4

20 weeks

Thursday, April 13, 2017

How far along?
20 weeks! Half way there!

How big is the peanut? 
The size of a Banana. 16.5 cm and 289 grams.

Total weight gain/loss?
I don't know this week. We are in Kelowna, and I have zero desire to weigh myself, especially after the amounts of cake I ate from our gender reveal party.

Maternity clothes?
Still maternity leggings/jeans.

Nothing has changed from last week.

Best moment this week?
Finding out this little babe is a BOY!!!

I am not sure if this is going to be a consistent thing now, but after driving 7 hours to Kelowna yesterday, my back was so sore!! The pain was so bad, I could hardly walk, sit, and stand with out cringing, it was awful! After doing some stretches and sleeping well (thanks to a long day yesterday), my back is doing much better this morning. It is still sore when I sit or move certain ways, but I am hoping it was just from a long drive, in combination with lifting my heavy bag in the morning. Let's just say, I am dreading the drive home next Monday!

Food cravings?
Ice cream!

Food aversions?
Still chicken.


Labour signs?

Belly button in or out?

What I miss?
Nothing right now. I am loving every minute of being pregnant!

What I am looking forward to?
Now that I know we are having a boy, I am so excited to get the nursery started! I have had our boy nursery theme planned for so long, and I can't wait to get it started!

Making it half way through this pregnancy! This is such a great feeling!

Yup, and I am loving it! :)

19 weeks

Friday, April 7, 2017

How far along? 
19 weeks

How big is the peanut? 
The size of a Mango. 15.2 cm long, and 241 grams.

Total weight gain/loss? 
I gained another 1 lb this week bringing me to 134 lbs.

Maternity clothes? 
Still wearing my maternity jeans and leggings.

I have always been a good sleeper, but now I would say I am an OK sleeper. I wake up a lot more through out the night, and sometimes I have a really hard time getting back to sleep. Bear doesn't help the situation by sleeping between my legs. Even the 4.5 lbs of fluff that he is, makes it super uncomfortable to sleep with him in the bed. 

Best moment this week? 
I went from feeling an occasional flutter, to feeling full on baby kicks, and punches right after I turned 18 weeks! I feel them after I eat or drink cold water, and when I am laying in bed at night! Even Anders has been able to feel a few kicks from the outside! 

My skin is still very dry, it hurts!  

Food cravings?
Still craving sweets, but if I could eat spaghetti every night for dinner, I would. 

Food aversions? 
Still chicken

We find out on Sunday!!

Labor signs? 

Belly button in or out? 

What I miss?
The feeling of not having to pee ALL THE TIME! The struggle is real!! 

What I'm looking forward to? 
Our road trip to Kelowna, BC coming up next week! I am really excited to relax for a few days!

Feeling full on baby kicks! I have been looking forward to this my whole pregnancy! 

Getting bigger everyday
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