25 weeks

Thursday, May 18, 2017

How far along?
25 weeks! 

How big is the peanut? 
The size of a Cauliflower. He is 34.5 cm and 660 grams. Baby can weigh anywhere from 1.5-2.5 lbs!!

Total weight gain/loss?
I gained 0.8 lbs this week, which brings me to 142.0 lbs.

Maternity clothes?
Maternity leggings/jeans, and I have my first maternity top, thanks to my Mom :) 

I am waking up on my back a lot these days! It doesn't help that my dog (who keep in mind is only 4.5 lbs-thank goodness!) has made ME his bed the last couple nights. He was laying on my pelvis the other night curled up in a ball below my big belly, and then he worked his way up to my shoulder/chest, which got uncomfortable quite fast. I thought I was doing good wedging myself between two pillows, but I guess not. I will be picking up a pregnancy pillow asap, to help keep me on my side, and the pooch to himself.

Best moment this week?
My parents were on a transatlantic cruise to Europe the last 3 weeks, and it's nice having them home now. My mom, being a first time grandma, had some fun picking out some ADORABLE clothes for baby boy. He is so spoiled, and is going to look so cute in his new outfits.

I have been pretty stuffed up lately! I am not sure if I have come down with something or if it is just pregnancy hormones. 

Food cravings?
No cravings this week

Food aversions?

Baby boy

Labour signs?

Belly button in or out?

What I miss?
Nothing really

What I am looking forward to?
Summer! I know it's going to be hot, but I am really looking forward to the long sunny days!

Making it to 25 weeks! I can't believe we only have 15 weeks left!

Large, and starting to get in the way when I move around!


  1. Cute post! You make me want to create a weekly baby bump update.. or basically a blog since I don't have one! :)

  2. You totally should! I love doing these weekly updates! It will be nice to look back on :)


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