30 weeks

Thursday, June 22, 2017

How far along?
The big 3-0! The 10 week count down is on!

How big is the peanut? 
The size of a Zucchini. He is about 17" long and weighs just over 3 lbs.

Total weight gain/loss?
I gained 1.4 lbs this week, bringing my weight to 147.8 lbs.

Maternity clothes?

I am waking up in the night with hot sweats and I mean full on soaked! This has only happened a few times, but I anticipate more to come during the heat of the summer. I am also waking up pretty uncomfortable. I feel out of breath, and sore in the morning. It takes me a while to adjust and actually get my body out of bed.

Best moment this week?
The hubby put the crib together!! Baby's room is looking more like a nursery, and it makes my heart so happy!

Lack of energy, and an achy body. It's all worth it in the end! :)

Food cravings?

Food aversions?

Baby boy. I am having so much fun buying things for a little boy! I thought I would be in more trouble if this baby was a girl, with all the cute florals, bows and ruffles but boy was I wrong! There are so many cute baby boy things out there!

Labour signs?

Belly button in or out?
Still in. I would be surprised if it pops out.

What I miss?
Simple things like bending over to put my shoes on or pick something up with out being out of breath. 

What I am looking forward to?
We are heading out of town in one week, which will be a nice getaway for a few days. I am so ready for some R&R by the pool! 

Making it to 30 weeks! Baby boy will be growing a ton in the next 7 weeks (about half a pound per week!). 

I am loving my bump!

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