33 weeks

Friday, July 14, 2017

How far along?
33 weeks

How big is the peanut? 
The size of a Honeydew Melon! He is about 17-18" long and can weigh up to 5 lbs now!

Total weight gain/loss?
I gained 2 lbs again this week, bringing my weight to 154.6 lbs.

Maternity clothes?
I have still been wearing my stretchy non maternity pieces and I also recently got some non maternity dresses that stretch over my bump nicely. Of course, when it comes to bottoms such as shorts and jeans, I can only wear maternity.

I am waking up twice in the night to pee now, but other than that, I am sleeping well. 

Best moment this week?
My baby shower! I had the most amazing day last Sunday, and I feel so grateful for all the wonderful people in my life! I am working on a blog post that will be up very soon with all the details of my shower!

Back pain-mostly the middle area. The weight of everything going on in the front is definitely putting stress on my back. I am trying to improve my posture as much as I can to help support my back, and I will be going for some prenatal massages asap!

Food cravings?
I have eaten pancakes 3 times this week, which is probably less than a lot of other yyc folks this week, right? This preggo is just going to blame it on the Stampede. 

Food aversions?

Baby boy :)

Labour signs?

Belly button in or out?
It has half popped. It is at the point where I can see it through some of my tighter clothes.

What I miss?
Red wine, and getting out of the car with out huffing and puffing. 7 weeks left baby!!

What I am looking forward to?
-Our nursery is so close to being finished!!!! I am so excited to share it with you all very soon! 

-I am also looking forward to installing the carseat in the next week. It will put my mind at ease, knowing we have the basics completed JUST incase our little man decides to make an early entrance.

-We start our Birth and Babies class next week!

Baby boy has a fully developed immune system! He also knows the difference between day & night, and will keep his eyes open during the day! I find this so fascinating! 

Getting bigger everyday, and still no stretch marks! :)

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