37 weeks

Thursday, August 10, 2017

How far along?
37 weeks!

How big is the peanut? 
He is the size of a winter melon, and can weigh up to 6.5 lbs! 

Total weight gain/loss?
I gained 0.8 lbs this week, bringing my weight to 156.4 lbs.

Maternity clothes?
I picked up a sports bra to wear from now on. Regular bra's and the one nursing bra I was wearing, just weren't comfortable anymore. My ribs have expanded, so any pressure there makes it so uncomfortable/hard to breath! 

It varies each night. There were a few nights last I week didn't sleep well, and other nights I slept great.

Best moment this week?
-We installed the car seat!
-I had my first OB appointment where he checked my cervix to see how things are progressing. Baby's head is right down there, and he is getting ready! It's crazy to think he can come any day now!

-I am still getting some menstrual cramps here and there.
-I have to pee all the time!
-I feel like I have the flu! My body feels weak and I have been dealing with nausea on and off.

Food cravings?

Food aversions?

Baby boy :)

Labour signs?

Belly button in or out?
As popped out as it is going to get.

What I miss?
Anything I miss pre pregnancy is really not that important when it comes to carrying and growing my baby. I am so grateful for this opportunity, and I have loved being pregnant this whole time (even during the hard times).

What I am looking forward to?
This may sound weird, but I am looking forward to my labour and delivery experience. Maybe it is the anticipation of what it is going to be like for me, and how my body is going to handle it. We will be finding out very shortly! Only 3 more weeks!

Well at 37 weeks, baby is pretty much full term! He can come anytime now, and we will be so happy whenever he decides to show up! 

Yup, and still no stretch marks-fingers crossed!!!

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