36 weeks

Thursday, August 3, 2017

How far along?
36 weeks! Officially 9 months pregnant!

How big is the peanut? 
He is the size of a head of Romaine Lettuce. He can be about 20" long and weighs just under 6 lbs.

Total weight gain/loss?
I gained 0.8 lbs this week, bringing my weight to 155.6 lbs.

Maternity clothes?
Yes, and anything with stretch. Dresses are the best these days! I need breathable pieces to get me through the heat. 

Still sleeping pretty good. 

Best moment this week?
I started doing baby laundry, and have organized his dresser! All his clothes look so cute folded in there. 

My toes were swollen for quite a few days. The swelling has gone down a bit now, as I am doing my best to keep my feet up when I can, and eat less salt. I haven't had any swelling this entire pregnancy, so I am hoping this is the extent of it! My wedding rings are still loose on my ring finger, so luckily I haven't had any swelling in my hands.
I have also been getting some mild menstrual-like cramps for a few days. I usually feel them in the morning and then in the evening. I am thinking these are Braxton Hicks contractions. 

Food cravings?
Peanut butter cookies!!

Food aversions?

Baby boy :)

Labour signs?

Belly button in or out?
Still half popped out. You can definitely see it through all my clothes now. 

What I miss?
Being able to roll over in bed so effortlessly. It takes everything in me just to move positions at night. I will also be happy to have my giant pregnancy pillow out of the bed. It takes up so much space and is a big divider between the hubby and I, but for now, it is the only thing that keeps me from rolling onto my back.

What I am looking forward to?
Finishing my nursery reveal blog post! It should be up within the next few days! :) 

It is officially baby boy's due date month!! I can't believe it is August already! Realistically he could be a September baby, as my due date is Aug 31st, but he could also make his grand entrance this month! We are so ready and excited!

I almost forget what it feels like not to have this bump!

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